Lesson Three
A Fairy is a small Human-like creature with large insect-like wings, which are either transparent or multi-coloured. They possess diminutive intelligence, and live mainly in woodlands or glades.
The fairy is a vain creature, and will often allow itself to be used as decoration by Wizardkind. They possess a weak brand of magic that allows it to evade its predators such as the Augurey. The fairy cannot speak; instead, it makes a high-pitched buzzing noise to communicate with its fellow fairies.
Fairies can lay up to fifty eggs in one go, laying them on the underside of leaves. The eggs hatch into brightly coloured larvae, and, at six-to-ten days, they spin themselves into a cocoon. They emerge a month later as adult fairies. Bowtruckles eat fairy eggs.
Muggles' impression of the fairy is a generous one, having been ingrained into children's minds in the form of "fairy tales". Wizards believe that, of all the magical creatures in the world, the fairy, along with the unicorn, have received the best Muggle "press".
Their wings are used as an ingredient in certain potions. Knock down and freeze a fairy to get its wings.
The Augurey, also known as the Irish Phoenix, is a thin and mournful looking bird, somewhat like a small underfed vulture in appearance, with greenish black feathers and a sharp beak. Its diet consists of insects, fairies and flies, which it hunts for in the heavy rain. Intensely shy, the Augurey lives in a tear-shaped nest in thorn and brambles.
It is native to Great Britain and Ireland, but is also found in Northern Europe. It was long believed that the mournful cry of the Augurey foretold death, and wizards would go to great lengths to avoid Augurey nests. However, research determined that the Augurey merely sings when it is about to rain.
Augurey feathers repel ink, making them useless as Quill feathers.
When it was learned that Augureys could foretell the coming of rain, they were used as weather forecasters. However, the continual moaning from them during the winter months was difficult to bear.
Uric the Oddball once owned fifty pet Augureys.
The Jobberknoll is a small, blue speckled bird that never makes any noise until the moment before it dies. It then lets out a long scream, which consists of every sound it ever heard backwards. Jobberknoll feathers are used in Truth Serums and Memory Potions. Its main food supply is small insects and lives in northern Europe and America.The ministry of magic gives the bird a rating of XX.
again, no more info than Fantastic beasts and where to find them has.