Lesson Two

Lesson Two


The Porlock is a horse guardian native to England and Southern Ireland. They are small, reaching a height of two feet on average when they are fully grown, and covered in a large amount of rough, shaggy hair. It has a large nose, small arms ending in four stubby fingers, and it walks on two cloven hooves.
The Porlock guards horses, and lives on grass. It can either be found nesting in the straw of a stable, or in the middle of the herd it is protecting. Porlocks are mistrustful of Humans, and hide at their approach.


 The Horklump resembles a fleshy pink mushroom covered in black bristles. Originally native to Scandinavia, the Horklump is now found throughout northern Europe. Horklumps spread sinewy tentacles rather than roots into the ground to look for their desired food of earthworms. They are fast breeders, and can cover an average garden in a matter of days. The Horklump is the favoured delicacy of the Gnome. Streeler venom is one of the few known substances that can kill Horklumps.Horklumps have no discernible use, other than feeding gnomes (which is itself a problem).


A ghoul is an ugly creature that resembles a slimy, buck-toothed ogre. They tend to live in the attics or barns of wizards and witches. They are relatively harmless creatures and are just seen as nuisances because of the noise they make. They are relatively dimwitted, and live off of bugs and other household pests. At most, they will groan and throw objects.
A Ghoul Task Force exists at the Ministry of Magic, under the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. The Task Force is used to remove unwanted ghouls from houses that have passed in to Muggle ownership. There is a variety of ghoul, called the Chameleon Ghoul.


A Clabbert is an arboreal creature that resembles a cross between a monkey and a frog. Its smooth skin is mottled green, and it has short horns and a wide grinning mouth full of razor sharp teeth. Its long arms and webbed hands and feet allow it to move gracefully through the trees. On the Clabbert's forehead is a large pustule which flashes red when the Clabbert senses danger. It feeds on small lizards and birds.
The Clabbert is generally found in the southern states of America, but can now be found worldwide. American wizards and witches used to keep Clabberts to give them early warning about approaching Muggles. The International Confederation of Wizards were forced to introduce fines to stop this. Despite looking nice at night, a tree full of glowing Clabbert pustules caused curious muggle neighbours to wonder why the Wizards still had their Christmas lights up in June.

1 comment:

  1. here is a copule of links for pics you're missing. Horklump:https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1680&bih=935&q=Horklump&oq=Horklump&gs_l=img.3..0l3j0i30k1j0i24k1l2.8187.8187.0.10103.


    also,once again, all this can be read in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. is that our text book?
